Your international or relocation “secure file” should contain:
Secure File
- Copies of birth certificates.
- Adoption papers.
- Marriage license.
- Guardianship papers.
- Divorce papers.
- Power of attorney.
- Passport information (where it was issued, date and number).
- Extra passport pictures.
- Medical history and X-rays.
- Letter from doctor stating you need any narcotic drugs prescribed for you.
- Dental X-rays and school records, including samples of the curricula.
- copy of last tax return.
- Traveler’s check information.
- Wills.
- Social Insurance cards (if not in purses or wallets) and/or Social Insurance numbers.
- Life and medical insurance policies
Information regarding
- Bank account,
- Charge/credit cards,
- Relatives, in case of emergency,
- Insurance policies for car, fire, then, etc.
- Children’s school(s) at old location,
- Doctor, dentist, lawyer and accountant at old location,
- Your company’s old address, and overseas address and contact person