Your moving company is best qualified to properly pack your home computer. If you choose to pack it yourself, use the original cartons and packing material when possible. If you have discarded them, choose a sturdy box large enough to permit you to surround the computer with packing material (crumpled unprinted newsprint, Styrofoam “peanuts,” and plastic bubble pack are best).
The central processing unit (CPU) – which houses the motherboard and disk drive – should be handled with care. This unit is especially sensitive to jarring. Again, use a box large enough to accommodate the CPU and plenty of packing material on all sides.
The disks that contain your programming and stored data preferably should be moved with you.Warping could occur with the extreme temperatures that can build up inside a moving van. As a precaution, you might want to duplicate all of your stored material onto backup disks and place them in a different box or take them with you.
Depending on the type of printer you have, remove the toner and any ink cartridges, and carry the cartridges with you if your move occurs during hot weather. For other types of printers, the printer head should be secured (preferably with the original cardboard or plastic parts) to prevent it from shifting. Refer to your owner’s manual for preparations specific to your printer model.
The remainder of your computer (the keyboard and display screen) consists of solid-state circuitry, much like that in a television set. Place crumpled unprinted newsprint in the bottom of a box and pack as you would the other components.